was on mc ytd...haha!!technically i'm sick..had gastric,but in actual fact i couldnt wake up!hahaha!!went drinking with the gals on wed and for once i cant quite wake up!!i usually am able to lor...probly coz of the damn good weather..BUT i really had gastric!hahaha!!
Wed nite was fun..saw jess's niece...so adorable!!!(BUT babies are still mafan creatures)so jess man!!as usual we went to dbO 1st!me & val played a little prank on jess!a brief rundown of our prank plan:
1)i'll 'accidentally' send her a msg meant for Val (SMS:Val,u not going tonight because of Jess rite?) in the afternoon
2)To avoid all calls/msg from Jess after THAT sms
3)After meeting up avoid talking abt the msg and simply tell her Val cant make it
4)Reach dbO then i'll tell her Val not happy with her coz she told someone something real bad abt her(which jess will SO not lor!)
5)Val will turn up at dbO pretending nothing happen keeping jess in suspense
6)Reveal to her that it's all a bday prank!hahahaha!!!
Jess cried but all was good lah...hahaha!!!!*so evil*
didnt really drink alot on wed thou...coz we didnt have shots...its all cocktail so its more of bloated & sick then drunk or real high...afterwhich we went zouk!haha!!ordered vodka lime(1+1 mah)been a long long time since i've been there....haiz!!!but i'm condemn by my mama....at least for the next 2 weeks i cant go club already....SHE'S REALLY GONA LOCK THE DOOR!!(she's serious)hmmm...but as long as i reach home b4 12,shd be ok!!so still can go alley or acid!hahahaha!!!!!!!
FINALLY we have finalised our plans for NY countdown.Me,val,jess & rach will book a chalet at downtown east!we dun wana go really 'happening' place coz mafan..damn pack,later got prob going home then super ex...+ no transport..blah blah...so go chalet,can chill out,talk,bbq,lots of booze,have fun at WW Wet,suntan!!something diff lah..not something that we'll do every other day mah...a mini gathering!
me & izaar super relax today..haiz..wat's new!!we watching shows from the net!haha!!nobody in the office mah...so heck lah!!we were watching msian idol..DAMNNNN funny!!!super drama as well...!!today izaar wore a baseball cap,sweatshirt+jeans...was telling him..wahhhh so boyband(which he absolutely hate!)haha!!he still sang a tune from BSB...damn act cute!!he so drama mama today!!oh i so love & hate him!he's singing & irritating me AGAIN!!!!think i sort of wrote alot today ya...u know..juz one of those days!!haha!!went hot yoga with lynn goh ytd...shiok!!!!
2 more days to paydayyyy!!!!!