i missed her....

Val & her bf!

me & my dear VAL!

in love is written all over her face!

my dumb dumb toh..

i love this pic :)

Nick,Val,Moi & Uncle Toh
Went KTV with Val and her bf last Sat!hehhe!!so happy...finally got to see her!pass her her birthday pressie!So happy for her....found someone that love and treat her good! happy happy!can tell she's happy too! Havent seen her for quite a while already...hehee!!see if she's free this Fri night..we can all go Mdm Wong!!yippy!!Maybe next week go East Coast roller blade...(not like i know)..but i wana learn!!
So much happened over the wkend...or shd i say on Sat!need not say....the incident at SAFRA Mt Faber was splash all over the news....i'm fine...evacuated juz in time...juz little coughing but i'm fine...not too sure abt the kids thou but last heard they were fine....haiz...not suppose to comment so shall leave it for when i meet up with my frds..
For those who sms to ask if i was ok...thanks!appreciate that alot.....:)
So ashame to say this...finally attended Mass on Sunday...reason so was that i knew it was Him that prompt me to leave my office when the accident occur....a very strong calling that i had to go out to check out what is happening.......so i went Mass to Sunday to give Him thanks.....
Our Father in heaven, holy be your name; your Kingdom come; your will be done on Earth as in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil.Amen.
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