our dear old jess's 5mths pregnant

me & rach with the sexy mama!

Finally met up with our 5mths pregnant jess!she's looking good....way better than she did 2 mths ago...hahaha!!that's a good sign....went PS for lunch on sunday..too bad mic & val cant make it!!but there's always another day....haha!!no worries...more to come i believe..as her tummy gets bigger & bigger each day!she told us that she can feel her little boy kicking her now...hmmmmm!!!BOYSSSS...wahahah!!she also share with us how marriage life has been so far.....interesting.....*smile*
Havent been blogging for pretty long.....usually tired after i come home....so basically NO TIME!wahaha!work's alright..so far so good...but damn my back's hurting again....had massage ytd but apparently its of NO HELP at all.......sian!!its basically my spine and lower back that hurts not the back muscle that's y massage dun help bah....NO IDEA!!!
So feel like dancing & clubbing these few days...BADLY!but dun really wana go on wed coz i know i'll stay till very late.....thurs gota blardy hell work....but after not paying cover for nearly a yr or so,the thought of going on fri and forking out 15 to 20 over bucks is like...should i!?!know what i mean.....hahaha!!well....i'll go think abt that...*winkz* but still i want my weekly dose of booze.....val juz asked if i wana go..wahahaha!!!got kaki surely go mah..free somemore...yes i'm damn cheapskate when it comes to drinking...
Manage to catch quite a few shows lately...most recent being The Pacifier...Vin Diesel's SSSEEEEEXXXYYYY...men in white T,cargo pants...how much more sexier can a man get??!!?!that's wat Brad Pitt look REAAAAL good in as well....*drooling*i always believe that a good nice cargo pants is all a man ever need...with a nice pair of sandals....*died of excitment* wahahah!!but that show's really nice....Be cool's not too bad either...black comedy,wat i enjoy....but the plot's really bad thou....
Time to bath...............................................and zzzz!!*snore*
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