It'll be CNY in 11 days & i've yet to buy my CNY!Lazy~~ Uncle Toh will be back in 8 days! Yippie~
I really dun understand y there are extra surcharge when u do ur nails or hair during CNY period...WHY?!isnt more business a good thing?y take this opportunity to add a stopid surcharge, WTH lor. Ok i know this has always been the case but the surcharge amt is ridiculous can? i called my usual nail plc wanting to make an appt next Sat, they said they dun accept phone booking as i'll need to make a deposit 1st. Ok fine, so i went down this evening and when i saw the price, i nearly died. Its $50 for a blardy pedicure!If its eve of CNY would be $55.Go rob la..!Usual price is $35 can??Increase $20-$25 is totally unacceptable can?!Manicure is $42 and usual price is $22. I simply refuse to pay that will get it done this Sun instead. Super duper duh!-_-"
Intend to go colour and trim my hair this Sat, shall see how riduculous the pricing will be...bleah!
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