Anywayss, lots to look forward to in the coming weeks or errmmm days. Top on the list is of coz Toh coming back to visit on Fri!! Kylie's concert on Tuesday and a few interesting author events in Dec, top on the list is of coz having to org HIS event!

Yesss....Subhas Anandan! For those who have no freaking idea who this man is, i really duno what to say can? Ok la, i'm not a fan or what, just really looking forward only. Hurhur...for those interested, it'll be on Sat, 6 Dec, 2-3pm @ Kinokuniya Main Store. His new book "The Best I Could" would be out in early Dec at all major bookstores. I've never publicized my previous events or authors is coz i simply refuse to,yes,refuse to! Even thou some are so-call 'mega' authors but for him....i just have to la!hurhur
Moving on...some photo updates from the past few days/week @ the office.
Celebrated Marilyn's bday last week and chk out the birthday cuuuuteee!!
If u're wondering y there were more than 16 candles on the cake..'i wonder wonder wonder'~
Ordered "Golden Pillow" for lunch ytd and guess wat, 2 of my colleagues have never tried golden pillow wor~ They loved it la!!
"Cutting Ceremony"
Yawwwn~~ That's All...nothing happening + tired la *snore*
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