But year end's a time for us to reflect on what we have done, met or accomplished. The same, wana thank the friends ard me, my sweethearts/dearies & Uncle Toh. For putting up & staying by me always. Really appreciate that, alot. Good frds are indeed hard to come by and its fate that brings a group of ppl together, really. Some have been ard with me for as long as 12 long years, some 3 good years but its not the time that counts, its the bond, coz that's forever.
Hey hey!Photo update time! Thou my camera's giving me lots of prob but well, here are some pictures taken before the end of 2007 *bleah*
Xmas gathering with ex-colleauges (@ Annie's plc)
B1 & B2 =)
My HKG Trip (20-24 Dec 07)
As i was there alone,well sort of. So i can only be behind the camera...sad! Anyway, i will be back...!!Met up with Lynn on 2 seperate days when i was there but smehow juz didnt take any pictures. Really appreciate her bringing me ard thou she's errmmm not familiar (at all) but still, love her! =P
The super pathetic Cinderalla's castle..OMG, faint!
The Disney Train!Really CoOlz..
Seriously, i nearly died of excitment when i saw him the moment i stepped in,OMG..my love!
*Bang head* why was i there for wk?! If not, this 2 pix will be me hugging & kissing them..ARHHH!!!*Bang head again & died*
Btw that's Lynn in the background =P
The famous Tsim Sha Tsui Station
I loveee thier 7-11!They've got everything u need..food i mean, Curry fishballs, Siew Mai, Instant noodles, Hotdogs etc. Cook & serve on the spot, cool!
SAFRA Superstar Party @ St James (29 Dec 07)
I duno what to say...SAFRA party's not quite the same anymore. Its the 2nd SAFRA party i've been to after leaving. The 1st one @ MOS was alright probably coz there were still many familiar faces thus it was fun but this time round, i cant exactly say the same. To be honest..i'm glad i moved on. Missed the times when i was there organising similiar parties but so much have changed within the span of a yr..wow wow. But well, glad the ex-MB team was there thou, 'lurmp' them!

B1 & B2 with papa-san!

Love this girl!
Post Xmas cum New Year Party (Moi plc)
What's with Rach??=P
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