Just recieved a call from Meen telling me wat she & Mr Lim saw on her way back home; and was utterly disappointed by that 'act' of an ex-colleague. Haiz.....ANYWAY! Guess there're all sorts of ppl ard ya so..wat's new.
I've been thinking lately, shd i go further my studies after my wedding in Jan? Trust me, i've been asking myself the same question over the past 3yrs. Might ask wat's holding me back; alot! Committment, Lots of Discipline, Time etc..and of coz $$. I duno...well, have till end of the yr to consider! =P Seriously i duno if i can do it as well.......
I'm really starting to enjoy Ah-Mei's songs alot..not like i dun to start with but just more now. Listening to her older tracks lately and its simply amazing. And....i'm gona watch her concert in Nov! Yippie!! Now pending for Sammi.....seats are bad thou so still considering *bleah*Damn!!I wana go sing K!!!Lotsss of K!!hahaha!! But having sore throat/cough at this moment...fine, 2 weeks from now i wana go sing K! sing k,sing k,sing k!
My current fave Ah-Mei song (from her latest album) :如果你也聽說
主唱:張惠妹作曲:周杰倫填詞:李焯雄編曲:Adrian Chan
突然發現站了好久 不知道要往哪走
還不想回家的我 再多人陪只會更寂寞
許多話題關于我 就連我也有聽過
我的快樂要被認可 委屈卻沒有人訴說
夜把心洋蔥般剝落 拿掉防衛剩下什麽
爲什麽脆弱時候 想你更多
如果你也聽說 有沒有想過我
想普通交朋友 還是你依然會心疼我
好多好多的話想對你說 懸著一顆心沒著落
要怎麼附和 捨不得 又無可奈何
如果你也聽說 會不會相信我
對流言會附和 還是你知道我還是我
跌跌撞撞才明白了許多 冷漠的人就你一個
想到你想起我 胸口依然溫柔
許多話題關於我 就連我也有聽過
我想我寧可都沉默 其實反而顯得造作
夜把心洋蔥般剝落 拿掉防衛剩下甚麽
爲什麽脆弱時候 想你更多
Went Grand Mercure for buffet (FREE!) with Uncle Toh, Xia & Chen-siong =) In case u're wondering y free. Very simple: Went few weeks to the other restaurant / bad service / complain / Free meal *smilez + winkz+* I really cannot take bad service so i'm sorry..=P
My Fat Arse & Chen-Siong
The sick 'prawn' & me
My Loveeee....... @ Fisherman's Village
My other Lovee *winkz*
And i wana go prawning!!!!!!!!! Heard so much abt it but yet to try.................................
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