I almost forgot how i used to enjoy taking bus (during off peak hrs)alone,especially when i'm feeling down.Used to hop onto any empty double decker bus that comes..take it all the way to the terminal and back. Smehow when i do that, my mind is just blank,totally switched off, really. Even more peaceful and calm than a yoga session. Do nothing, dun have to worry about where i wana go/do next, just looking at the scenery,enjoying my music... I know it may sound very stopid or bo liao to sme but to me, i loved it.
I did the same today after wk...also coz i wasnt exactly feeling that great. Ever since i started this job, i have been taking cab to work quite regularly and bus rides seems to be smething of the past. After tonight, i might want to reconsider..but that will mean waking up earlier,chances of not getting a seat..long walk to the bus stop...
GOSH...hows? Guess i will chose my dear taxi uncle, for now.