We kept saying we wana go treetop walk but that just didnt happen~~ We FINALLY went on National Day! Hurhur...the most sucky part wasnt the walk, its having to wake up sooo early!!The plc is only abt 5mins drive away from our plc BUT still...chen-siong said we have to start early. 7.30am IS tough ok....BLEAH! We finally made it!! View from the top
What better way to end this 'tiring' day? FOOOD!
& More SINFUL Food!! ~Chen-siong looking cool again~
I never quite like to go Kbox but coz the partyworld that we always go to is fully booked, so no choice but to go to Kbox @ Cineleisure. Oh gosh...i nvr wana go Kbox again can? no latest songs, cant find songs, room is so small..and i thought i was the only one that din quite like Kbox..B1 din like it either!! Pls..the next time partyworld orchard is fully booked, WE WILL GO TO THE ONE AT SHENTONWAY ok? hit my head if i ever suggest Kbox again....-_-" We spent half the time making fun of their new slogan anyway..buahahaha~~