Everyone in my office's crazy over cubeecraft lately. Wat's cubeecraft u may ask, there u go.....
Think this is nothing fantastic? Look here... 3's a crowd? What abt this??? If you're feeling bo liao...visit this website http://www.cubeecraft.com/ ,print out your fave character, cut!fold! and 'ta dah'..u have urself a 'cube frd'..hurhur
Havent been uploading much pix of myself and uncle toh lately,in fact we havent been taking much photos lately. Me being his cam-whore wife.....have no choice but to force him to take some with me...HOHOHOHOH~~ I cut my fringe again and damn...its super short can? I look retarded -_- Size L & XL face trying very hard to hide behind the bolster Mr Toh! 'Ban gui lian' leh...looks more like you're scratching ur face lor.
This is so not right can?? I bring my cam everywhere i go yet bo photos to upload?! Dun care..from tmr onwards..i'll take pix with everyone i meet...1st in the Q?B1!!!!!
Have been rotting at hm over 2 weekends. Just too tired and lazy to go out + really broke, hurhur. Tried baking marble cake last Sat and it was not too bad except that it was a little dry (didnt add milk la). Wanted to try again today buy lazy to go buy eggs and milk..YAWWWN! Used to be pretty good @ baking back in school but now...PLAIN LAZY.
Went to Jess's plc last Wed to celebrate Little Josh's 3rd Bday! We used to call him baby Josh & Now! OMG.....baby sounds way too small for him can? But he's still so adorable la..
When u're single, u cant wait to get married and vice versa. Was having this conversation with my dearies during our last drinking session. And i was labelled AUNTIE coz i'm married..WTH! But well...i did the same when i was single too so, KARMA!hahah! But seriously..i would compare singlehood & married life to school days vs wking life. No? YES!!
When we were all back in sch, we all dream or wana grow up asap so that we can step into the wking world. Wearing nice clothes, putting on power make up, cool heels, earning $$ and doing all the adultsy stuff was juz so IN! But when we started wking, we'll ask ourselve WHY??? 'y didnt i study harder back then?' 'How i wish i can go back to sch', 'sch days were the best' and 'i seem to hv more $$ back then', more time hanging ard, more frds etc. But the ironic thing is...many will ultimately choose wk over sch for various reasons and since this entry's not abt further studying, i shall not..u know...whine & complain. I used to question myself too. Did i get married too early, too fast, too rush? And trust me, the initial stage was the toughest. Hving to adjust to married life, hving ur own home, living with a monster..ooops!, paying bills bills & bills, endless hsework and quarrelling over the minor-est matter. It was terrible. Kids have to start calling u AUNTY...WTF? THAT, till now i still cant get over can??! PARENTS!PLS!Doesnt mean married liao, kids gota start calling one aunty or uncle can? *roll eyes* They can only do they when i'm 30!or hmmm...make it 35!
But now, 2 yrs into married life, i'm kinda enjoying it. Not alot lot but at least i'm not complaining. I think, at the end of the day i sort of realise what's more impt in life. MArried life taught me to be tolerant, independent, compromising and enjoying the finer things in life, at the expense of losing alot of other stuff in life too such as 'bf turn husband' will start forgeting things like ur bday, anniversary day, vtine day. 'Bf turn husband' will not remember what presents are for anymore, flowers are a waste of $$, complaining that u have so much shoes till u can open a shop, turning into a spoilt brat expecting u to serve him dinner everyday. Instead, they'll remember very clearly when the bills are due, how much we spent on that LV bag. Ooops!
As we grow older, lotsa committment will start sinking it and they're super irritating. But hey, isnt that what life's all abt? The BIG man dun juz create us to enjoy life here, just that some will experience it earlier and sme much later. I'm smeone who believes firmly that everything in life's pre-destined, esp things like how long one can live, kids, who we end up with. It happens, it happens.
Ok,now i have no freaking idea how i shd end this entry. Hurhur. Aiya, the BIG Man will always leave us with options in everything we do. As long as we make our own choices, stick to it and make the best out of it, it really doesnt matter whether we're single or married. As long as we are happy with what we're doing, anything else..or what others think? Who cares!?!
3 Jul was Uncle Toh's Big Day.Since it wasnt his BIG-3, so no fancy bday party for him, hurhur. Went to Outback for a nice dinner..no particular reason y that plc thou, just that this man love good steak and we've been thinking of gg there since duno when. According to him, the steak wasnt fantastic but good enuff i guess =P
Little Ms Kangeroooo~ Helluu~Its bread ok??*winkz* Super yummy~~ Hmmmmmm~~~
Pretty busy @ wk lately, so dun hv time to update my blog. Taken lots of pix recently thou but no time to upload. Shall start with my nite out with my dearies - also to celebrate Val's bday (btw this was in early Jul). Had dinner + kopi @ Oldtown, the food's alright only but definitely cheaper than most HK Cafes. Wat's a nite out w/o drinks?? Lazy to head down town so we walked ard and settled at this nice chill out bar.
We played a few really dumb games with poker card and ya, we were like some 3-8 girls, laughing and giggling away..kekekekkeek!
Since long long ago, it has been a tradition for the bday girl to have a glass of lamborghini and we have no plans to break it that day. A pity they dun serve lamborghini...had to make do with B-24..also another 'flame drink'. Thou we honestly think its nothing close to the real thing! hohohoh!
Woo Hoooo~! TPE was fun! Eat,eat did nothing but eat! Hohoho!Hmmm...how shd i do this man. Ok, maybe i'll go in detail on a day to day basis with pictures. Photo wise, mostly taken with chen-siong's camera, so i'll post watever i have on my cam and update when i get hold of the pix from him =P
Day 1: Errrmm, this is stopid. In short, charge my cam/put charger with batt into luggage/put camera in my hand carry = camera with no batt
Anyway! Our flight was @ 1pm, touched down ard 5.40pm....took Freego bus to our hotel. The journey was abt 1.5hr and by the time we reach hotel..abt 8.15pm bah.
By this time, we were super hungry, so head to Ximending for a quick dinner The 'Xiao Cai' were nice lor! We then hang ard Ximending...nothing fantastic really, but ok la. The fashion there...errrmmm not to my liking but the food...ohhlala! We stopped by this dessert shop selling 'tou hua' and ordered a mixed duno wat la. It's similiar to our ice kacang but with milk & moshi-like stuff. After hanging ard Ximending, we decided to take a train down to Hwa Xi Night Market. Orhhh! Caught buying...fruits! For sme weird reason, the fruits in Taiwan r all sweet to the max lor. Tried a few from different plc and all super sweet! Failed to try the lychee thou.
That's abt all for our 1st day. Day 2: To meet @ 8.30am (FAINT)
Day 2:
There wasnt much bf plc ard Ximending, so after walking ard for abt 10mins, we found THIS! Yummmmmy~~
After breakfast, we set off to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, Sun Yat San Memorial Hall, Taipei 101 then back to Sun Yat Sun Memorial Hall to catch the changing of guards.
Okie dokie, time to 'kun' liao....~to be continued~
We then hang ard Taipei 101 & NYNY..guess what, Aust has got Cold Rock & they've got Cold Stone!hurhur
Afterwhich, we went back to Sun Yat San Memorial Hall ti catch the changing of guards. We were damn lucky can? The moment we stepped in, it started pouring! No choice but to stay there till the rain stopped. We were stuck there for like more than an hr lor....Sigh This pix's really bad but that's the best i can get...
As the rain didnt stop, we then went to buy 4 umbrellas & made our way to WuFenPu. Took the railway instead as its nearer to WuFenPu. No pixs as well..it was raining + no time to take pix..hahah!Too many shops la...
As it was still pretty early, we decided to take a cab to SHILIN NIGHT MARKET!!Woo Hoo...BEST PLC lor.... Uncle Toh complained that he was tired...blah blah, so we went for foot reflexology which i think was superb! They even had individual mini-tv while massaging can?! Cool~! This is the supposingly super famous 'Ji Pa' store + super long Q! in TPE, but personally i think..its alright only. We had nicer ones at Wufenpu but well.....still better than the ones we have here in spore..hurhur BOYS! And it was here that i tried SMELLY TOUFU for the 1st time!!Stinko to the max but the taste was not too bad, hohoho! Have always wanted to try their 'da bing bao xiao bing'...Q so long long & damn was i disappointed. its nothing fantastic lor...*roll eyes* The oyster omelette?disgusting! Anyway that's abt all for the 2nd day =)
Day 3:
We had breakfast @ guess where? MOS! Hurhur,they actually serve breakfast! Cool ya? After bf, we took a train up to Danshui. Its a really nice plc...old town packed with really unique shops but damn....it rained again in the afternoon, lucky thing was, we were already done and abt to head back..hohoho! This ice cream's abt 30cm long can?? This shop's super cool lor!This shop would definitely bring back lots of memories for kids from the 70s/80s. Trust me, if this was edible..he would buy 1! Since it was raining real heavily, we decided to head to Taipei Main Station Underground Shopping Mall. Afterall, its all sheltered, hurhur. The 2 men went for this 'knife therepy' and xia xia had her fortune told...OoOo
Went to to Ximending & had dinner @ Modern Toilet. We have been talking abt this even b4 our trip & we found it on the 1st day! Forced to act cute face =P
Day 4: Woke up slightly later today. Had breakfast @ this supposeingly famous noodle store near Ximending. The guys loved it but not really to my liking...the soup's not really nice + too oily.
As we our flight's @ 6.30pm, we cant go too far...so we went to Long Shan Temple. Just like what they always say, how can one not go to Long Shan Temple when he/she's in TPE?
Lastly...do i even need to explain in detail what these are?hurhur...