Hohoho...after a long weekend (Thu till Sun), i'm still feeling lazy & sleepy!! Why huh...?? Thu was boring...slack @ home. Fri..also nua till lunchtime. Afterwhich went AMK Hub with mama & Uncle Toh for my 1st Tuina session. *shy* i have a 90 yr old body la, wat to do? Always here pain there pain. Well, so far juz my lower back pain aka Chronic Low Back Pain which errmm has been bugging me for the last...3yrs? When the physician asked me how long have i been experiencing this and i told him 3 yrs...he gave me the 'u're kidding me' look. WhY?cannot meh? I have high tolerence for pain cannot izzit? & he told me i have uneven shoulders, spine abit not in line..blah blah...Anyway, the following 30mins was tortureous man!! He started with my shoulders which was alright, bearable...then upper back..hmmm,pain but also bearable, lower back...WTF?!! Pain to the max can!! I was like ouch-ing and argh-ing away like nobody's business. And the best part...i made appt to see him again this Fri *faint* But to be honest, it was pretty good thou, of coz its not cured but at least after that session i felt ALITTLE better.. Like what he said, these pain require a long period of treatment (esp when i had that pain for 3 yrs...hurhurhur) Actually hor...over the last 3 yrs, i had been seeking all sorts of treatment lor, but i've no patience, expect immediate results, so that's y now still not cured. U name it i've tried it..from ang mo to chi-na treatment =P Physio, chiropractic, accupuncture, massage now tuina...haiz....'lao liao'.
Sat was also another boring day, raining somemore, so simply juz nua @ hm till evening. It was my aunty's baptism, so mama,uncle toh, my 3 cousins & moi went church for Easter Mass. Easter Mass usually ends pretty late thus we all went for late dinner @ Casuarina then home...Zzzzz.
Sun...also boring. P/t cleaner came over in the morning...~nuaing in progress~. In the evening, we went over MIL's place for dinner then watched abit of telly till 9.25pm..yeah, ManU vs Liverpool match. Left at half time, continue 2nd half at home..Mr Toh ZZz almost immediately after the final whistle (blardly hell, Man-U won). I stayed up to watch my ARSERNAL!! Half time...Zzzzzzzz (And they lost...WTH?) Yeah....that's my boring long wkend.