To be honest i attended MPC mainly because its a requirement for all catholics before we can get married. But i have or should i say we have benefited alot more from this 6-week course. Getting to know each other better, touching on topics that many couples dun during their courtship days; the reality of marriage; the difference between men and women; money issue; family planning. And most imptly, that i'm not alone! All couples face pretty much the same issues, its just that we dun realise it. Relationship's a companionship, Marriage is a lifetime of committment. At the end of the day, its the decision to love. Our presenting couple, Anna & George have been married for 29yrs and still going strong. Like what they said, there's no formula to a good and lasting marriage, just the willingness to communicate and the decision to love; wat wise words. Many ppl will say it takes 100% committment to make a relationship last. Slight correction, its 100% committment from each person thus a total of 200% to make a marriage last.
*Guilty* Toh's the non-catholic here but i reckon this course benefited him more as he has already started 'promoting' this course to the couples ard us, YES even his colleagues. Haha, but seriously, its a course suitable for all courting couples. We have a dating couple in our grp and trust me, wedding bells will be ringing very soon. But well, this course will either bring a couple closer or make them see how different they are thus break them well =)

Our 'graduation' day 11/11/07 - SJI

Our lovely observing & presenting couple


One of our fave couple

The Beautiful Grp 1!
A Mei Star Concert 2007
Went to A Mei's concert with Xia on Thu and damn! It was AWESOME!! She was OMG...a powerhouse! I'm a fan but not a huge fan of hers...i am now! The concert was one of the best i've seen so far. Well of coz i cant compare Sammi with this as i like Sammi. But THIS...the stage, special effects, the dancers, her costumes....WOWW!And not forgetting A Mei..her stage presence, vocal...thumbs up! The crowd were alittle mature so u dun exactly get screaming fans with posters or neon lights BUT, EVERYONE, yes EVERYONE were on their feet towards the end of the show. Mind u, it was a 3hrs15mins show!
The media was previously comparing Jolin to A Mei..Oh pls! Jolin who??!

Opening Act

Look @ her dancers!


Elevating Stage